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File Size Calculator

Use our file size calculator to estimate the video file size based on video length and bitrate.

Bitrate (Mbps)File Size (GB)
120 Mbps2.70 GB
70 Mbps1.57 GB
50 Mbps1.13 GB
20 Mbps0.45 GB
10 Mbps0.23 GB
5 Mbps0.11 GB
1 Mbps0.02 GB

Cloud Platform Video Streaming Costs

80Mbps for 3 Minutes

Adjust the video length and see how the file sizes change at different resolutions. This can help you plan bandwidth usage or storage requirements for your videos.

How to Calculate Video File Size

File size from bitrate and length

What equation our file size bitrate calculator uses

Despite the many variables in video quality settings such as codec, frame rate, and resolution, calculating video file size is straightforward. All you need is the bitrate and the duration of your video. Our file size calculator allows you to quickly determine the storage requirements for your videos, helping you plan your bandwidth usage more effectively.

Understanding Bitrate and Why It Matters

Bitrate refers to the amount of data transmitted per second in a video, typically measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Higher bitrates result in better image quality, but also larger file sizes. By adjusting the bitrate in our calculator, you can easily estimate file sizes and make informed decisions about video quality and storage needs.

The Simple Formula for Video File Size

The formula for calculating video file size is: Video File Size = (Bitrate / 8) × Duration. This formula assumes that the bitrate is measured in megabits per second, and the duration is in seconds. The result is the file size in megabytes. This calculation helps simplify planning for both local storage and online streaming services.

Factors Affecting Video File Size

Although bitrate is the key factor in determining video file size, variables such as codec, frame rate, and resolution also play a role in video quality. By setting an appropriate bitrate in relation to the other factors, you can balance quality and file size to meet your specific requirements. Be sure to consider any audio you include, as it can also affect the total file size.

Why Use Our File Size Calculator?

Our file size calculator is designed to give you an accurate estimate based on your inputs. Whether you’re creating content for video streaming platforms or calculating the storage space for your personal library, our tool simplifies the process. By inputting your desired video length and bitrate, you can instantly see how much storage space you will need.

Planning Your Storage and Bandwidth

Knowing the video file size helps you plan storage capacity and bandwidth requirements. For example, if you're using a 64GB memory card and your 4K video has a bitrate of 280Mbps, you can calculate how many minutes of footage will fit. This knowledge is crucial for content creators, streamers, and businesses managing large-scale video libraries.

Optimizing Your Video Streaming with SpatialGen

At SpatialGen, we provide comprehensive video hosting and streaming services tailored for modern businesses. Whether you're managing large video libraries or hosting live streams, SpatialGen’s infrastructure is built to scale with your needs. Our platform supports high-quality video encoding, ensuring that your videos are delivered with the best possible balance of file size and resolution.

Bandwidth Management and Storage Solutions

Video file sizes directly impact bandwidth usage and storage costs, and SpatialGen provides tools to help you optimize both. By understanding file sizes, you can better estimate your bandwidth needs and choose the appropriate storage options. SpatialGen's platform helps you manage storage efficiently, whether you're streaming 16K content or hosting a large video-on-demand (VOD) library.

Support for Multiple Video Resolutions and Bitrates

SpatialGen supports variable bitrate streaming, allowing you to upload a single video and get multiple resolutions per stream to ensure smooth playback across different devices. Our file size calculator can help you determine the optimal bitrate and resolution for your audience, ensuring the best possible user experience without overloading your app or incurring high bandwidth costs.

Scale Your Video Infrastructure with SpatialGen

As your video content grows, so do your bandwidth and storage needs. SpatialGen is designed to scale effortlessly, providing businesses with a robust platform that can handle everything from small video libraries to enterprise-level streaming services. Use our file size calculator to see your storage and bandwidth usage, then rely on SpatialGen to deliver your content at the highest quality. We do not charge for storage.

Seamless Integration with Your Business

SpatialGen's API and platform tools make it easy to integrate video hosting and streaming capabilities into your existing systems. Whether you are building an app with video functionality or need custom solutions for live streaming, SpatialGen provides the flexibility and scalability your business needs. Start calculating your video file sizes and optimize your video delivery with SpatialGen.